Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Mod Podge Paper to Wood Letters!!

To Mod Podge scrapbook paper to wood letters you’ll need:
Letters (any size), scrapbook paper (get colors that go well together and it looks best if you alternate with solids and patterned paper), pencil, good scissors, Mod Podge, and a sponge brush.
Put your letters in the order they will go and plan out the pattern you want the paper to go.
Trace your letter on front side of your paper with the letter face up
Cut it out.  It’s better to cut on the outer edge of the line and go back and trim some off later if you need to, rather than cut it too thin and have spots where the wood shows through.
Put some Mod Podge in a plastic bowl.  (You can find Mod Podge at any craft store.)
Put a thin layer of Mod Podge on the wood and the back side of the paper.  Flip the paper over and gently press it to the wood.  If some of it spills over the edge just wipe it off with a paper towel.  Let it dry for 15 minutes.
Put a thicker coat of Mod Podge on the top side of the paper and around the edges to get a good seal. Let it dry for another 15 minutes.  Then you can add embellishment like ribbon, buttons, flowers, etc.  These were just little letters so I didn’t add anything to them.

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